Presentation of the business
Agritorf is the exclusive dealer of the Hungarian plant Agriturf. The company was established as a local entity to carry out sales and business development in Asia. The objectives of Agritorf include expanding presence in new geographical markets and establishing its own plant in Indonesia. The subsidiary is created to adapt to local conditions, culture, and legislation, as well as to support the farmers' business growth. Indonesia is known as the second-largest rice-producing country in the world. The company offers high-quality products based on peat. The plans include establishing a plant for processing peat and producing humic acid. The production process utilizes the most advanced technology, ensuring environmentally friendly solutions in all cases.
The company is committed to preserving soil fertility in Indonesia. Our credo is: We must finally realize that this is the very last moment to stop deterioration and destruction of fertile soils, because the future and fate of our children, grandchildren, and ultimately all mankind depends on it. Agritorf was founded to utilise the accumulated experience and knowledge and serve farmers working in the Indonesian agriculture, thus protecting soils by using our natural turf-based products.
Our duty of preserving and improving the condition of agricultural soils is a priority task, as it is our responsibility to ensure the future of our grandchildren. The changing of current farming technologies is also important because if fertile soils are depleted at this rate, food production will be at risk. The population of the Earth is expected to reach 9 billion people in the near future.

The pursuit of sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies is also urged by the Green Deal goals set for 2030. The use of pesticides must be reduced by 50%, and it is also expected to increase the proportion of areas under organic farming to 25%. The third goal is to reduce the use of fertilizers by 20%.
The increase in energy prices and the explosive increase in the price of input materials used in crop cultivation, such as fertilizers, are also affecting farmers.

We must fight against the harmful effects of climate change, including drought, and look for solutions to mitigate the damage in the future.

The company considers it its vocation to help and support the work of farmers with a modern and environmentally friendly technology and with the introduction of a professional, innovative, and sustainable nutrient supply.

Both the Agritorf Premium Turf Liquid product line and the developed technology are based on premium turf. The extremely valuable fulvic and humic acids in it will ensure a balanced nutrition of the plants, in an all-natural way.
The Agritorf Technology based on Premium Turf Liquid can solve nutrient supply in a natural and efficient way — based on the results and experience of the tests done so far. With its application, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced by 50%. What’s more, if nutrients have been supplemented professionally for some years, fertilizers can completely be omitted for 2 years. Compared to control areas (i.e. untreated soil) there is higher yield average and yield quality. The product reduces plant stress caused by drought, thus mitigating damages. It has a beneficial effect on preserving and improving soil fertility.

The company compels to introduce its turf-based products to Indonesian farmers and encourage them to use those products. We would like to see the spreading of the entire technology of using our Premium Turf Liquid.

With the Premium Turf Liquid product we not only target domestic markets, but also Asia countries.
NIB 0220000421996
Jl. Eaya Puncak Jaya No. 71, Dusun Gerdy, Kel. Tulungrejo, Kec. Bumiaji, Kota Batu, Prov. Jawa Timur
Call us: +62 821 461 86376
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